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 Lahaina Wildfire Litigation:  


Our firm is committed to supporting our community in Pono. For 25yrs we have served Hawai'i families by offering legaassistance at no cost. Please take a moment to complete this questionnaire so we can effectively guide and assist you through this difficult time. Whether it be legal advice and services, help in obtaining educational services or serving as another means of connecting you with essential resources, LegalAction, a law corp., is here to help.

Representation Inquiry 


Please fill out the following form to provide us with the information we need to investigate whether we can help you with the problems you are facing. This is not a binding agreement, but permission to investigate whether you have a claim we are able to assist you with. 

Do you have a problem accessing educational services for your child?
Did you or a family member sustain property loss, trauma or physical injury due to the Maui Wildfires?
Does your child get special education or Section 504 services?
Are you someone who suffered loss such as a business owner, employee, teacher (or other public school staff) that has had poblems resulting from the wildfires?

Thanks for submitting!

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